Bais Schneur Zal Completes Successful Third Year

Bais Schneur Zal in Luzerne County, PA, is completing its third year of learning, farbrenging, davening, and growth amongst the bochurim.

Bais Schneur Zal is completing its third year of learning, Farbrenging, Davening, and growth amongst the Bochurim.

“It’s incredible to see how much the Bochurim have progressed from where they were holding a year ago”, says Rabbi Mendel Sasson, Mashpia in the Yeshiva, “not only in their abilities to learn but in the way they carry themselves and their seriousness and maturity in advancing as a Chossid.”

“Walking into Zal every day and seeing Bochurim immersed in Avodas Hatfila or deep conversation, is an incredible sight to see. Most of our Bochurim graduating from Bais Schneur are going to some of the top Chabad Yeshivos in the world and are well equipped on a personal level and on a learning level to really thrive,” he said.

The bochurim spent the year developing an appreciation for learning Chassidus, with a focus on the Rebbe’s Maamorim. Many of the boys have not missed one day of Chassidus the entire year, testifying to their commitment and progression in learning Chassidus. Gemoro Sdorim had the bochurim in the advanced class learn how to approach a sugya b’iyun and the bochurim in the beginner’s class how to piece together a page of Gemoro.

The mivtzas prepared by the Shluchim were off the charts and had the entire Yeshiva participating, and weekly Seder Sichos prepared by the Bochurim were in full attendance. The bochurim-led creative team pulled off events throughout the year with the entire Yeshiva coming together after Seder and bonding.
Late Thursday nights saw a Likkutei Torah Shiur led by Rabbi Shneur Tarlow which grew a large following throughout the year and helped the bochurim discover the beauty of the Chassidisher Parsha. A large amount of the Bochurim had near-perfect Seder the entire year and really developed an appreciation for having “hatzlocho b’zman”.

On Shabbos afternoons there were Farbrengens at the homes of the teachers that would go well into Motzei Shabbos. Every week either a trip, BBQ, or hike would take place, giving the Bochurim the necessary change of scenery so that they could continue their learning without being distracted.

“We are looking to continue to grow our success this coming year”, says Rabbi Yisroel Eichenblatt, menahel of the Yeshiva.

“This coming year, we have our new dormitory and learning space to accommodate more Bochurim and are bringing on more staff to keep up with the growth and ensure that the Bochurim continue to have the personal attention from the staff that has been so crucial until now,” he said.

To find out more information about Bais Schneur, log on to


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