Bais Rivkah Seminary Brings Mivtzoim to Elementary Girls

Students from Bais Rivkah Seminary invited Crown Heights girls from 4th-8th grades to join a special mivtzoim event this Friday in honor of Gimmel Tammuz.

This week Seminary Bais Rivkah Students went around to all the Crown Heights schools inviting 4th-8th grade girls to join them this Friday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, in the JCM. They gave out permission slips and sent out a link for the girls to sign up. In addition to lighting up as many neshamos as possible through mivtza neshek, the seminary hopes to share with the girls the beauty, privilege, and impact one has when they do the Rebbe’s shlichus.

The event will be kicked off with a briefing to help the girls tap into how awesome what they’re about to do is. Like any good host, seminary will provide food for the hungry girls coming straight after school before they embark with their chaperones on the very special shlichus with which Dor HaShvii has been privileged and entrusted.

“Of course, the ultimate desire is that this should bring us all to immediately see the Rebbe B’Gashmius,” organizers said.

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