Avoid Common Cholov Yisroel Mistakes in Your Shavuos Shopping

There are a few cheeses on the market in which the same company will produce Cholov Yisroel Cheeses, as well as non Cholov Yisroel cheeses, and one can easily get confused. Ahead of Shavuos Rabbi Nissan Zibell of ‘Kashrus: Be in the Know’ compiled a list to help consumers make the right choices.

Common Cheese Confusions

There are a few cheeses on the market in which the same company will produce Cholov Yisroel Cheeses, as well as non Cholov Yisroel cheeses.

Most of the companies do have different labels and brand names to differentiate between the Cholov Yisroel and non Cholov Yisroel cheeses. However, many times, the colors, fonts, and general styles of the designs are similar enough, that many people have been led to mistakenly confuse the two and assume that a non Cholov Yisroel cheese was really the Cholov Yisroel kind. 

Below are just some examples of cheeses that were unfortunately confused, leading to mistakes of consuming non-Cholov Yisroel, and issues involving the need to Kasher different equipment and utensils in the kitchen. 

The brands of cheeses – Migdal, Haolam, and Millers are all owned by the same company, and produce cheeses with different brand names and labels. 

Only the Haolam label is Cholov Yisroel. The Migdal, and Millers labels are not Cholov Yisroel. Since the packaging of Miller’s or Migdal often may have similarities to the Haolam packages, there can definitely be confusion for one not paying proper attention, or for one who doesn’t know the difference between them. One needs to be careful to check the wording to make sure the product explicitly says Cholov Yisroel on it.

The brand Natural and Kosher which has cheeses that are Cholov Yisroel is the same company as the brand Les Petites Fermieres which is not Cholov Yisroel. Although these two also have different packaging and names, nevertheless, they still look similar due to their font, design and style, and many people have confused the two. 

One should also be aware that the OK certifies cheeses that are non-Cholov YisroelA dairy product under the OK needs to specifically say Cholov Yisroel on it to confirm that it is so.

The brand Schtark, which is Cholov Yisroel and Oneg ,which is not Cholov Yisroel, is the same company with different labels. They may look similar but one should be aware that only Schtark is Cholov Yisroel.

An additional company, The Cheese Guy, actually has the same name for both Cholov Yisroel and Non-Cholov Yisroel, and the way to differentiate between the two, is to pay close attention to the wording on each label to see if it says Cholov Yisroel bear the OU or not.

Spring Valley as well has cheese blintzes which are Cholov Yisroel and non Cholov Yisroel. One should make sure to see that it says clearly Cholov Yisroel.

Kashrus: Be In The Know is an organization that has been helping to educate consumers for over three years now.

The best way to keep kosher at home is by learning the halachos that one needs to know. And then there is shopping in the supermarket…

Kashrus: Be In The Know was created with the intention to increase Kashrus awareness and provide consumers with a knowledge of basic halacha, as well as important information regarding how foods are made and processed. With this information, it is their hope to help people in making educated choices when buying products.

Although the classes are given by Rabbis who both work in respectable hashgachos, and have a depth of knowledge in Halacha as well as the food industry, it does not in any way replace asking questions to a Rav. Rather, it presents the awareness to even know what to ask.

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To join a weekly group, click on the links below. You can also visit their website for past classes at www.kashrusbeintheknow.com

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    1. Yes, for those who hold by Cholov Yisroel. It should be added that since it’s a takona, a decree, of Chazal (the Sages of the Gemara), everyone should hold by Cholov Yisroel. The heter in far away places of Reb Moshe (only then did he give a heter) was only in extreme cases and today the problem is worse.

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