Audio Recording of Meeting on Spreading Chassidus in Shuls

A newly discovered recording from 5726 is a gathering led by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Aizik Hodakov and Rabbi Dovid Raskin on the need to repeat Chassidus in shuls and how it should be done.

A newly discovered recording from 5726 is a gathering led by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Aizik Hodakov and Rabbi Dovid Raskin on the need to repeat Chassidus in shuls and how it should be done.

The gathering took place on 9 Cheshvan 5726 and is shared here, 58 years later, care of Lubavitch Lebt.

0:00 R’ Dovid Raskin

9:30 Rabbi Hodakov

38:40 R’ Dovid Raskin


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