Aubervilliers Holds First Public Menorah Lighting in 3 Decades

After 32 years of refusing to permit any religious events to be held in front of City Hall, 500 men women, and children gathered on the last night of Chanuka for a historic lighting.

By reporter

For 32 years the ruling political party of Aubervilliers, France, refused to allow any religious event to take place in front of City Hall. Sadly this unofficial government ban also included a public Menorah lighting.

This year, with the effects of the Covid pandemic still acutely felt, the Shluchim to Aubervilliers decided that something drastic must be done to bring more light to the city.

Thus they began planning an event and requests were sent to the local government. To their great astonishment, and after receiving multiple answers from the Rebbe, the proposal was accepted.

The big day came on the 8th night of Chanukah. Large tents went up, a giant Menorah was erected right outside City Hall. As the music started playing, and the smell of freshly baked doughnuts filled the air, the excitement was palpable.

Over 500 men women and children gathered for the historic lighting. Jews and non-jews alike joined together in unity watching the glow of the Chanukah lights, they danced hand in hand as one.

As he kindled the Shamash, a non-Jewish government official spoke about the enormous impact of the Jewish community in Aubervilliers.

“A tremendous Kiddush Hashem transpired here,” Rabbi Shmuly Tewel, Shliach and organizer of the event told

“It says that when Moshiach comes the wolf will lie with the lamb. Notwithstanding the city’s large Muslim population, we actually felt a strong sense of unity here. Aubervilliers is ready to welcome Moshiach.”

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