At 99, Holocaust Survivor Tells Boys to Value Time in Cheder

In a heartwarming 99th birthday celebration with Lubavitch boys in Miami, Holocaust survivor Shaul Shmuel (Saul) Dreier, spoke about how Hitler stole his years of learning and the importance of learning Torah daily.

In a heartwarming and inspiring celebration, our students honored Saul Dreier, our honorary student, on his 99th birthday. 

At the Boys Middle School, the talmidim organized an epic birthday party, led by Mordechai Rubinstein and Daniel Benjamin, bringing joy and reverence to a man whose life story is a testament to resilience and hope.

Saul Dreier, a Holocaust survivor, shared his experiences with the students, urging them to keep their heads high, especially in such a perilous time. He recounted the horrors he endured during World War II and emphasized the strength and resilience that enabled him and many others to overcome such adversity. Saul’s message was clear: no matter the challenges, we can emerge victorious and stronger.

One of the highlights of the celebration was Saul’s reminder about the importance of learning Torah daily. He spoke passionately about how Hitler had stolen this precious aspect of his youth, and he reiterated the need for the students to cherish and commit to their studies. This powerful message resonated deeply with everyone present.

Saul was presented with gifts from the talmidim, including Shnear Tamir, Zalman Rosenfeld, Yosef Moshe Gopin, Dovid Swissa, Eli Krasnianski, and Yosef Yitzchok Moroyosef. Both the girls and the boys each presented a beautiful card at their events, expressing their admiration and best wishes for Saul as he celebrated this remarkable milestone.

In a touching moment, Saul once again thanked Rabbi Korf, head of LEC, for the tefillin he began putting on from last year’s school dinner. Saul proudly shared that he has not missed a day since then, underscoring the importance of this daily ritual in his life.

The boys’ celebration also featured a beautiful musical tribute organized by LEC students and Rabbi Mendy Shachar. The tribute depicted Saul’s life, highlighting his journey from the ashes of the Holocaust to his present life, filled with faith and community.

At LEC, education is at the heart of everything we do. This includes embracing and learning from the lives of resilient individuals like Reb Shaul Shmuel Dreier. His story and presence at our school enrich the educational experience, providing our students with living lessons in perseverance, faith, and the power of the human spirit.

Saul Dreier’s 99th birthday celebration was not just a party; it was a profound educational experience that will leave a lasting impact on our students. We are grateful to have Saul as part of our community and look forward to celebrating many more milestones with him. As he left the girls’ event, he reminded them: “Learn as much as you can about Yiddishkeit in these years. It’s a gift I never had.”

Happy 99th Birthday, Saul! Your legacy continues to inspire us all.

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