As Crown Heights Expands, Teachers Remain Close to Home

72% of anash living in East Flatbush work in Crown Heights mosdos. Here’s how the growth of ‘outskirts’ communities helps us retain our best and brightest. 

Over the past few decades, one of the biggest challenges Crown Heights schools and yeshivos have faced is the struggle to keep teaching talent in the city. With families growing and housing costs rising, many of our best and brightest mechanchim are forced to choose between the optimal environment for their families and their passion for educating ‘unzere’, our own. 

Baruch Hashem, as families have begun moving to the outskirts of Crown Heights and building communities further out, the tide is beginning to change. Nowadays, yungeleit can wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to their jobs in chinuch without compromising the comfort and wellbeing of their families. 

“Several years ago, my wife and I found ourselves faced with a tough decision,” one East Flatbush resident shared. “We felt strongly that our shlichus was here with the youth of Crown Heights, but we didn’t know how to make it work for our own kids. We had outgrown our apartment long before, and we had nowhere affordable to go! We also wanted to belong to a smaller, close knit community, so we reluctantly began exploring communities outside of New York. 

“Finding this community has been a game changer for us. Baruch Hashem, we were able to buy a house, and within a couple of years we have become deeply embedded in this kehillah. Discovering this haven right near the shchunah allowed us to remain committed to our shlichus here, in Crown Heights.” 

Baruch Hashem, as the East Flatbush community grows, an increasing number of mechanchim are choosing to settle locally. In fact, 72% of the anash living in the neighborhood work in Crown Heights mosdos! Now, they are turning to you for help. 

Following a two year period of explosive growth, the kehillah found the perfect property to house its growing shul. The deposit has been paid; now, they need to raise $770,000 to seal the deal! Help the community of East Flatbush build a center of davening and learning, a place where many beloved teachers, principals and mashpiim of our shchunah will find inspiration to fuel their holy work! 
Click here to donate and invest in our children’s mechanchim!

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