Argentina’s President-Elect Makes First Visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel

Argentina’s President-Elect Javier Milei, made good on his promise to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel on his first overseas trip since winning the presidency.

Argentina’s President-Elect Javier Milei, made good on his promise to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel on his first overseas trip since winning the presidency. He was accompanied by Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky of Merkos 302.

Last week, during one of his first interviews since his landslide election win, President-Elect Milei was asked by the broadcaster where he plans to go for his first oversees visit. Milei shocked the broadcaster with his response saying “To the USA, to the Ohel and from there to Israel.”

The newly-elected president has previously visited the Ohel while campaigning for the presidency. He has spoken about the Rebbe on TV and in interviews. In one interview with Argentinian TV, Milei even went into detail about how the Rebbe’s sichos were transcribed after a Shabbos farbrengen and recalled his meeting with one of the Rebbe’s chozrim. The economist and former TV and radio pundit has close connections to Argentina’s Head Shliach Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt.


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