Argentina’s Kollel Community Join for Lag B’Omer Activities

The Chabad community of Buenos Aires, Argentina, celebrated Lag B’omer at a beautiful outdoor event with special activities for adults and children arranged by Kollel Ohel Yosef Moshe.

By reporter

The Chabad community of Buenos Aires, Argentina, celebrated Lag B’omer at a beautiful outdoor event arranged by Kollel Ohel Yosef Moshe.

Kollel ‘Ohel Yosef Moshe’, was founded by philanthropist R’ Chaim Eliezer Lapidus, and headed by Rosh Kollel Rabbi Chanania Yosef Aisenbach until his passing.

Menahel of the Kollel Rabbi Baruch Sholom Lapidus opened the event by inviting Rabbi Mendy Bergman, one of the Kollel’s yungeleit to speak about the significance of the day. Next, Rabbi Yonathan Harkatz made a siyum of the entire Shas which he completed in a single year.

After the speeches, current and past kollel members were invited to add oil to the bonfire in honor of Rashbi. The children of Reb Chaim Lapidus were called upon to light the fire on his behalf.

Children and adults then joined hand in hand in dancing around the Lag B’omer flame lit in honor of the great tanah Rabbi Shimon Ben Yochai. The event concluded with a siyum mishnayos on meseches Shabbos by Shmuel Gurevitch.


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