Argentina Rov Addresses Advanced Dayunus Program

As part of the Dayanus program of the acclaimed Machon Lehoraa Dayanus program, led by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, a special Shiur was hosted with Rabbi Yosef Feigelshtock of Argentina, giving an in-depth discussion on the full structure of a Din Torah.

In conjunction with learning Hilchos Gevias Chov as part of the Dayanus program of Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha, the program hosted a special shiur with Rabbi Yosef Feigelstock, a renowned Dayan from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In the Shiur, Rabbi Feigelstock covered the ways in which a Din Torah is structured and the different approaches in which the Dayunim take toward each different case. He also gave a full overview on how the claims are heard and how the entire proceedings take place.

The program led by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm became synonymous with high-level and structured learning, and has just began a new topic in Choshen Mishpat. A perfect opportunity to join. 

To join the advanced dayanus program or to learn more, visit or email [email protected]

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