Areivim Pays Out to Crown Heights Family

The most recent AreivimUSA collection was on behalf of a Crown Heights family that has lost a parent. Rabbi Chaim Fogelman has been named as the Crown Heights Rov that will oversee the funds.

The most recent AreivimUSA collection was on behalf of a Crown Heights family that has lost a parent.

“It is with great pain that we notify you of the untimely Petirah of a member from Crown Heights leaving behind a widow and three orphans R”L,” a notice from Areivim said. “Therefore, Areivim USA members are requested to donate in the month of May.”

The notice also identified Rabbi Chaim Fogelman of Itchke’s Shteibel as the Crown Heights Rov that will oversee the funds.

The Areivim USA program was created to support widows and orphans in a way that preserves their dignity.

As reported, Areivim members voted to raise the payout amount to 150 thousand dollars per orphan.

Areivim recently ran a successful membership drive in Crown Heights and Lubavitch at large. 

The Crown Heights Beis Din has released a letter of support for the Areivim program. A free translation of the letter reads “We are aware of the Areivim program that supports orphans and widows in an honorable way. “Yasher Koach” to the organizers and all those that participate.

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