Archival Footage: Emotional Kinus Banquet of 5754

RebbeDrive Presents new footage documenting the Kinus Hashluchim Banquet in 5754, including addresses by Rabbi Moshe Feller, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor and Mr. Peter Kalms, along with impassioned tefillos for the Rebbe’s health.

In the spirit of the Kinus Hashluchim, RebbeDrive presents new footage documenting the Kinus Banquet of 5754.

As it was in the era of after Chof Zayin Adar, the Vaad Hakinus wanted to hold the banquet near in 770, in close proximity to the Rebbe. However, due to the growing amount of Shluchim, it wasn’t be possible to set up for a banquet meal in 770. Instead, a meal was served earlier in the nearby Oholei Torah Ballroom, and the Banquet program continued in 770.

Highlights include a powerful roll call led by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor, greetings from Peter Kalms, and keynote address by Rabbi Moshe Feller.

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