Antwerp Mashpia Draws Large Crowd in London

A large crowd from the wider chassidishe community of London participated in a unique fabrengen with Reb Shie Rabinovitch, mashgiach and mashpia in the Yeshiva of Antwerp, lasting until four in the morning.

A large crowd from the wider chassidishe community of London participated in a unique fabrengen with Reb Shie Rabinovitch, mashgiach and mashpia in the Yeshiva of Antwerp, lasting until four in the morning.

After staring the fabrengen with a shiur on a maamer of the Rebbe, Reb Shie spoke for many hours about the meaning of Chanukah according to Chassidus, and spoke in depth on the meaning of a Chossid, the need to focus on Avodas Hashem and to delve in learning Chassidus in depth.

Many of the participants came looking for more, having enjoyed the Yud Tes Kislev Fabrengen with Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, and asked to arrange a guest to fabreng on Chanukah as well.

This is the second time Reb Shie came to fabreng for the wider chassidishe community in London, and many of the participants of last years’ fabrengen told others that this was a fabrengen not to miss.

This fabrengen was hosted at the Merkaz LeToras Hachassidus, and was arranged by Rabbi Avremel Raskin.

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