Antwerp Bochurim Rewarded for Diligent Study

A festive ceremony at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Antwerp, Belgium, rewarded the bochurim who had studied the majority of Maseches Bava Metzia over the past year, coupled with the launch of this year’s Mivtza Torah.

By reporter

A festive ceremony at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Antwerp, Belgium, rewarded the bochurim who had studied the majority of Maseches Bava Metzia over the past year, coupled with the launch of this year’s Mivtza Torah.

The Yeshiva in Antwerp, headed by rosh yeshiva Rabbi Mendel Tvardovitz, and Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki, Belgium’s head shliach and chief mashpia of the yeshivah, caters primarily to the sons of shluchim from around Europe, giving them a mesivta nearby to home where they can send their sons.

Over the past year, a large percentage of the bochurim in the yeshiva studied the majority of Maseches Bava Metzia, in addition to the sections being studied in the yeshiva curriculum. The extra study was part of the Mivtza Torah, which provided the bochurim with learning schedules and tested the participants on the Gemara they studied.

In recognition for their study, a celebration was held in the yeshiva, where the bochurim who had successfully completed the Mivtza Torah were rewarded with valuable sets of seforim.

After distributing the prizes, the Mivzta Torah for 5782 was announced. The program will focus on Maseches Shabbos this year, encouraging the bochurim to study many more dafim than the ones studied in the yeshiva curriculum.


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