Community Heads to Boardwalk for Sukkos Mivtzoim

The Crown Heights Anshei Moshe community arranged a special Sukkos mivtzoim initiative for its members to Coney Island Boardwalk.

In light of the recent war, and spirit of spreading mivtzoim inspiration and serving Hashem bsimcha, we share with you a special Anshei Moshe communal mivtzoim and dancing which took place on Hoshana Rabba, just 2 days before the break of war.

Kita Vov of Cheder Ohr Menachem along with their melamed Rabbi Shuchat joined with a special sukka truck led the community car parade towards the Coney Island boardwalk and Luna Park where they did mivtzoim.

Upon return, the ‘Anshe Moshe’ Kehilla gathered for a special Simchas Beis Hashoeiva led by musician Hatomim Yehuda Moshe Soble and had a special show by Reb L. Shuchat.

Mivtzoim and SHB was arranged and hosted by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz & family at ‘Heichel Halimud’ Anshei Moshe.

Special thanks to Rabbi Michoel Pais and Rabbi Yossi Soble and all for joining.


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