Annual Shluchos Farbrengen to be Held at Oholei Torah

The annual Shluchos Farbrengen hosted by the Shluchim Office will feature three veteran and well-sought-out Shluchos, incredible food, gifts and prizes.

The Shluchim Office announces this year’s lineup for the annual Shluchos Farbrengen, featuring three veteran and well-sought-out Shluchos, incredible food, gifts and prizes.

The Shluchos Farbrengen is an annual tradition, held every year on the Thursday evening following the final Kinus session of the day. It is an opportunity for the Shluchos to relax, feel treated out and enjoy an inspiring and uplifting Farbrengen together.

“Thank you so much for the beautiful Farbrengen every year,” wrote Mrs. Libby Groner, Shlucha to Metairie, LA.  “It’s the highlight of the Kinus every year for me, nothing like it!”

This year, the Farbrengen will feature a panel with three incredible Shluchos: Mrs. Rivky Slonim (Binghamton, NY), Mrs. Hindy Lew (London, England) and Mrs. Rivky Kaplan (Tzvat, Eretz Yisroel) and will be moderated by Mrs. Chanie Shmotkin (New York, NY).

There will also be a Hebrew speaking Farbrengen that will run simultaneously with Mrs. Mashi Lipskier (Johannesburg, South Africa). The special event will also include delicious desserts and treats and raffle prizes for the Shluchos. 

The Farbrengen will take place on Thursday, 18 Shevat / February 19 at 9PM at Oholei Torah, 667 Eastern Pkwy.

Email [email protected] with any questions.
The Shluchos Farbrengen is a project of the Shluchim Office.


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