Kinus Held for Bochurim Shluchim to Yeshivos Worldwide

Close to 100 bochurim heading out on shlichus to yeshivos around the world for the year gathered at a kinus to prepare for the mission ahead of them.

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/

On Monday afternoon, Vaad Hatmimim held their annual Kinus Talmidim Hashluchim Haolami for bochurim heading out on shlichus to yeshivos and communities around the world. Close to 100 bochurim from 30 yeshivos gathered in Lubavitcher Yeshiva, where they heard from mashpiim and shluchim about the importance of their shlichus, as well as advice and resources for their success.

The evening was opened with Torah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah in honor of Eretz Yisroel, with Tehillim led by Shliach Mendel Zaltzman, who is going to Yeshivas Chazon Eliyahu in Tel Aviv. He also shared a sicha of the Rebbe based on the first Rashi of Bereshis about Eretz Yisroel belonging to Bnei Yisroel.

Rabbi Mendy Gordon, mashpia in London Yeshiva Gedolah, spoke about the importance of keeping sedarim and learning properly, setting an example for the bochurim in the yeshiva of how a tamim should conduct himself.

Avi Baitelman shared resources and programs Vaad Hatmimim offers to support the Shluchim and new initiatives for the coming year.

Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon, mashpia in 770 Yeshiva, encouraged the shluchim to focus on their own learning as well and invited everyone to join the Chassidus curriculum being learned in 770.

Afterward, the shluchim got to hear from 4 veteran shluchim, who each shared their experience on shlichus in the past few years.

Ari Raskin spoke about making friends with the bochurim and helping each of them grow in their personal way. Boruch Shneir Kalmenson spoke about the neshoma of shlichus, not to forget the reason you are being sent. Sholom Ber Plotkin spoke about the importance of writing a monthly duch to the Rebbe. Schneur Deren spoke about how being a dugma chaya in yeshiva is the greatest influence you can have on a bochur.

At the end of the event the shluchim took a group picture, before heading off to their respective yeshivos with spontaneous dancing.

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