The winner of Keren Meir Summer Raffle’s grand prize of $10,000 has been drawn! See inside for winner.
Hundreds of individuals, from around the globe, came together in support of Keren Meir. It is your continued support and partnership that enable Keren Meir to spread the light of Chassidus to all.
With great appreciation to all of the participants in the Keren Meir Summer Raffle, we are proud to announce the lucky winner of the $10,000 cash prize!
Congratulations to Dov L. from Woodmere, NY.
Keren Meir was established 5 years ago to continue the endeavors of a beloved Chossid, Rabbi Meir Roness A”H, who devoted his life to fulfill the Rebbe’s call of disseminating the wellsprings of Chassidus to all fellow Yidden and thereby prepare the world for the coming of Moshiach, when, as the Rambam states, “The world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the ocean bed”. The shiurim he facilitated affected hundreds and thousands of individuals. Keren Meir works tirelessly to continue this mission and to ensure that the various projects began by Rabbi Roness can continue to grow and flourish.
May all of Klal Yisroel merit תהא שנת פלאות אראנו *, a year where Hashem’s wonders will be openly apparent for all to see!!
*see Sefer HaSichos 5751 vol.2, p. 214 concerning the acronym for פ”א.
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