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Illustration Photo: Meir Donel, Shvat 5780

A Message From Our Editors: Over the past 48 hours, we worked around the clock to resolve a server issue. Thank you to the hundreds that sent us messages of support.

A Message From Our Editors:

When we first set out to create a news site Anash could be proud of, we knew there would be challenges along the way. Indeed, since was established, there have been many minor issues and some bigger hurdles to overcome – as we know, all beginnings are hard.

Baruch Hashem, with the support of our readers and the tireless work of our editorial staff, we overcame each challenge and continued to grow steadily.

This past week, we encountered what may have been our most difficult – and baffling- challenge: following a short period of widespread CloudFare outages, our server went down. As a result, was down from late Friday afternoon until Monday morning.

It took close to 48 hours of round the clock work to pinpoint and resolve the issue. 48 hours in internet time can feel endless – a long time to go without news updates, upbeat stories from the world of Lubavitch, and the flow of positive content we strive to provide.

We thank our readers for the outpouring of support and encouragement, including hundreds of messages received across various platforms over the past three days. We appreciate and salute your commitment to and all that we stand for!

As we worked with different developers, troubleshooting one issue after another, these messages kept us going, reminding us why we do what we do and how important this work is.

To everyone who reached out over the past few days, and to all who have supported us throughout the past year and a half, thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you.

We will continue in our mission to provide Chabad chassidim with the latest news, while keeping to the holy ideals of our Rebbeim. We look forward to continued growth, fueled by your support, until the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.


We appreciate your feedback. If you have any additional information to contribute to this article, it will be added below.

  1. Thank you

    BH you worked everything out.

    You had me confused a little when you had news from Iyar on the home page for a while.

    I’m really curious to know how the CloudFlare outage managed to mess you up so badly. (just curious as a web developer myself).


  2. Yasher Koach for creating a platform which upholds Chabad standards and of which we can be proud! You have been a game changer.

  3. חסדי ה’כי לא תמנו
    Those few days were very hard!
    I just needed to spend more time on נלכה those days to keep me busy.
    And BH I wasn’t kicked off!

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