Amshinover Rebbe Delivers 4 AM Tanya Shiur as Afikoman Present

Upon returning the Afikoman on Pesach night, the Amshinover Rebbe’s grandson had a request: that his grandfather deliver a shiur Tanya in the yeshiva. Two months later, the Rebbe showed up at 4 am to give the promised shiur.

By reporter

Upon returning the Afikoman on Pesach night, the Amshinover Rebbe’s grandson Avremi Friedman had a unique request: that his grandfather come to deliver a shiur Tanya in the yeshiva. The Rebbe gave his word that he would.

This past Thursday night, over two months later, the Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Yeshaya Milikowsky, showed up at Amshinover Yeshiva Gedolah in the Bayit V’Gan neighborhood of Yerushalayim to give the promised shiur, B’chadrei Charedim reported.

The Rebbe who is known for being entirely beyond time, arrived at 4 am to deliver the shiur. The bochurim were all notified and they quickly gathered in the Zal to listen attentively to the shiur Tanya delivered by the Amshinover Rebbe.

The Amshinover Rebbe told the bochurim that he would give the bochurim a Tanya shiur twice a year.

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