American and English-speaking bochurim currently studying in the central Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in 770 met on Monday night to propose and discuss meaningful ways to promote Mivtza Hakhel.
By reporter
American and English-speaking bochurim currently studying in the central Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in 770 met on Monday night to propose and discuss meaningful ways to promote Mivtza Hakhel.
Tens of bochurim joined the meeting, held in the small zal of 770. Representatives of the gathered bochurim spoke, encouraging those gathered to increase their Hakhel activities, and offering ideas on how to do so.
After discussing various ideas, the bochurim compiled a list of suggestions, both for themselves and for the other bochurim studying in 770.
Among the ideas were to encourage bochurim to chazer Chassidus in shuls on Shabbos afternoon, to hold joint study sessions in the Rebbe’s Torah, to hold Hakhel gatherings for their families and acquaintances, and to bring as many people as possible to 770 and to the Rebbe’s Ohel.
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