American 770 Bochurim Publish Torah Journal of Their Own

A newly published Kovetz Haoros showcases the Torah essays written by some of the 300-plus American bochurim studying in 770 this year and their hanhala members.

A newly published Kovetz Haoros showcases the Torah essays written by some of the 300-plus American bochurim studying in 770 this year and their hanhala members.

The yeshiva in 770 is one of the oldest yeshivas in America, having been founded with the Freidikers Rebbe’s arrival on the shores of the United States. Whilst the younger divisions of the yeshiva went through many different locations, the division of the yeshiva for the older bochurim always remained in the Rebbe’s daled amos, in 770.

The Yeshiva in 770 is the true destination for every Lubavitcher bochur, to spend his final years where he is able to be fully immersed in learning.

As Lubavitch has grown by leaps and bounds, so has the 770 Yeshiva, with the number of bochurim growing each year.

A large portion of the student body is comprised of kvutzah bochurim who travel from Eretz Yisroel to spend a year in New York. However, there are also hundreds of American bochruim who devote their entire day to learning in holy walls of 770. This division of the Yeshiva has grown as well, with well over 300 American bochurim currently enrolled.

This year in the spirit of Hakhel, and as a gift to the Rebbe on occasion of Yud Alef Nissan, the Rebbe’s 121st birthday, the American bochurim joined together to create a Kovetz Haoros comprised entirely of Torah essays authored by the American bochurim learning in 770. The Kovetz is an impressive display of the depth and breadth of the Torah study taking place in the walls of 770.

The Kovetz of over 300 pages was put together in under 3 weeks by a team of the bochurim. It contains many ha’oros on Maseches Gittin, the masechta being learnt this year in Chabad yeshivos worldwide, along with many ha’aros in Halacha, authored by 770 bochurim who are studying Yoreh Deah, as well as many in other “random” topics of Torah.

Click here to download.

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  1. something that the article doesn’t mention, I happened to notice that the kovetz also contains unique shiurim in tanya from reb Shlaimeh Zarchi which he has been recently giving in yeshiva

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