All-Night Learning for the Crown Heights Community

In honor of Shvi’i shel Pesach, when Chabad custom is to stay up the entire night, Hadar Hatorah will be hosting a learning marathon starting at 12:00 PM and continuing through the night with a number of featured speakers.

Looking for shiurim that will be interesting and exciting to keep you awake on Shvii shel Pesach? If you’re in Crown Heights, you can find them at Hadar Hatorah. 

With an amazing lineup of speakers with original ideas and inspiring messages, the morning will come and you’ll still be thirsting for more.  

The classes will be in the yeshiva’s new Beis Medrash, located at 824 Eastern Parkway. The entire community is invited.

Line-up of Speakers:

12:00am Rabbi Shalom Zirkind, Moshe or Moshiach; who’s greater?

1:00 Rabbi Shloma Majesky, The Spoils of the Sea

2:00 Rabbi Aryeh Israeli, The Meaning of Pesach Continued

3:00 Rabbi Yosef Geisinsky, Krias yam suf : The spiritual Y chromosome of the Jewish people – Yam, Yaböshö, Ya‘akov, Yoseif

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