Amid the cheerful hustle and bustle of Crown Heights families preparing for Purim, there is a harsh reality many don’t see: for those who can’t afford the standard yom tov needs, it’s a day of longing and even dread.
It’s early Monday afternoon, and the streets of Crown Heights are alive with activity. Unlike most fast days, the mood around town on Taanis Esther is one of cheerful anticipation. People zip from store to store, picking up grocery orders, selecting accents for the perfect finishing touch to their shalach manos presentations, and searching for that last accessory to complete an adorable costume.
Amid the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to miss the pained expressions lurking behind the smiles on some faces. A mother must gently explain to her child that three items for her friends’ pekelach is simply too many this year. A father dreams of hosting a proper seudah with delicious food, lechaim and guests, but this year he can’t even afford the basics for his own family. Your daughter’s classmate just picked up the old costume you donated to the local gemach last year, silently praying you won’t notice.
The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way! You can turn their Purim into one of abundance and pure joy. Fulfill the mitzvah of Matanos L’evyonim by donating to Keren Anash, who will distribute the funds on Purim day, giving these families a completely different experience than the one they are currently anticipating.
Join us now and turn anxious smiles into expressions of pure joy – a true V’nahafoch Hu! Link
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