A New Door Opens in 770

Photos: Shimi Hershkop/Anash.org

With a record number of bochurim enrolled in the 770 Yeshiva, accommodations were made to allow some to learn in the Kingston ladies’ section while it is not being used. A new door will allow them access from the main shul.

By Anash.org reporter

With a record number of bochurim enrolled in the 770 Yeshiva, accommodations were made to allow some to learn in the Kingston ladies’ section while it is not being used. A new door will allow them access from the main shul.

Until recently, the Kingston ladies’ section was only open and used for women on Shabbos. Towards the start of this yeshiva year, renovations were made to allow the growing number of bochurim enrolled in the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva to be able to learn there throughout the week.

Originally, the bochurim entered through the Tashlich area at the back of 770, but that was not viable as a long-term solution, as it cut off the group of bochurim from the rest of the yeshiva and hanhala, and did not allow them to access the Torah library at the back of 770.

After a number of activists spoke to both with the gaboim and with Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, they came upon a solution.

A new room would be built, that would serve as a passageway between 770’s main shul and the Kingston viber shul, allowing direct access between the two.

The room was built in an area that was originally part of the outdoor area, and served as the ‘havdala sukkah’, from which havdala was made every Sukkos into the main shul of 770.

The room opens to the outside, as well as to Kingston viber shul, and has steps heading down to the main shul of 770, exiting on the farbrengen bima. The room will also greatly benefit the women who use the viber shul, serving as a new and clean station for coffee and mezonos for locals and guests to enjoy. A space was left in the ceiling as well to allow the ‘havdala sukka’ to continue being built there each year.

This past week, one of the large bookshelves on the bima was removed, and a window opened between the viber shul and main shul. A proper door is expected to be installed this week, and will immediately go into use, allowing more bochurim to sit and study in 770 on a daily basis.

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