A Karkafta at the American Aid Pier in Gaza

The last thing IDF soldier Shimon Amar expected to find in Gaza was an American karkafta. But when his battalion was stationed near the American aid pier, he made a startling discovery…

By Anash.org reporter

Shimon Amar, an IDF soldier who is one of the regular participants in the Tanya class held in Moshav Ben Zakkai, has been serving in Gaza. He was close to various shluchim and had learned about the Rebbe. While he sometimes offers other Yidden to put on tefillin, he wasn’t prepared for this.

Recently, Shimon was posted at the floating maritime pier complex established by the Americans to supply aid. On Wednesday, he and his friends met an American soldier stationed there and they got talking. After a brief conversation, they discovered that he was Jewish, but knew very little about Yiddishkeit.

Shimon didn’t hesitate and asked the soldier if he would put on tefillin. The man had never put on tefillin before, and he gladly agreed. The tefillin and the yarmulka moved the American soldier, and he recited Shema with emotion.

He shared how his late mother had asked him to visit Yerushalayim, though he never followed up on it. Now, due to the current situation, he came to Eretz Yisroel for the first time.

“These are the fruits of the Tanya classes,” says Amar. “I have the privilege of being close to the Rebbe and learning Tanya from Chabad rabbis. I was taught to approach every Yid and offer them the opportunity to perform a mitzvah and connect with their roots, and here in Gaza, it is happening too. Another neshama has been ignited.”

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