A Geshmake Shavuos Ma’amar: Now With Video Shiurim in English

A series of clear and concise Shiurim by Rabbi Yonah Pruss a”h, presented in 20 minute segments, make it easy for you to learn a Ma’amar of the Rebbe before Yom Tov.

A series of clear and concise Shiurim by Rabbi Yonah Pruss OBM, presented in 20 minute segments, make it easy for you to learn a Ma’amar of the Rebbe before Yom Tov.

Alpayim Shana 5711 was said by the Rebbe on the second day of Shavuos and addresses the special power of our Limud Hatorah in this physical world. This year you can learn this Ma’amar with these clear & enjoyable shiurim and come to Kabbolas Hatorah the way a Chasid should.

Link to video

Link to audio


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