A Day of Togetherness for New Jersey Shluchim

73 shluchim from across the state of New Jersey gathered for their annual Kinus which was held at the beautiful new Chabad House in Hunterdon County, NJ.

“We stem from a single mishale’ach; we are not independent entities who all happen to live in the same state and have the same mission statement. We share a mishale’ach, and are essentially one.” This was the overarching theme of the kinus as expressed by Rabbi Mendy Herson.

In that vein, 73 shluchim spent the day sharing, collaborating, and perhaps most importantly, reminding ourselves who we are, what we do, and why we do it. 

The Kinus was held in the beautiful new Chabad House in Hunterdon County, under the direction of Rabbi Eli & Rochel Kornfeld. It began Wednesday evening in a hotel with dinner, a statewide Siyum HaRambam, and a farbrengen with Rabbi Yisroel Deren that continued late into the night.

The next day opened with Chassidus Shiur by Rabbi Hertzel Pewsner – Mashpia in Tomchim Tmimim, Morristown, followed by Shacharis and breakfast. The morning program was MC’d by Rabbi Shalom Lubin, with Tehillim and D’var Torah by Rabbi Ephraim Balter – the new Shliach to the Meadowlands, followed by words of inspiration by Rabbi Moshe Herson – Head Shliach of New Jersey.

Rabbi Eli Kornfeld and Chabad’s friend and supporter, Mr. Steve Meiterman, told us the incredible story of how Chabad of Hunterdon County’s building came to be. Indeed, we felt a special nachas because Chabad’s growth anywhere results in added strength everywhere.

After Mincha, we took a group picture and enjoyed a lunch BBQ. We networked and socialized at a Resource Fair – with representatives from Derher, Borsalino Hats, the Moshiach Office, Merkoz Security Grant, and social-media presentation by Instagrammer, Rabbi Raps.

The kinus was part of Chabad of New Jersey’s MENTAL HEALTH INITIATIVE – the invaluable program provided by the Rabbinical College of America. This vital initiative provides a broad spectrum of professional training and workshops, the services of an on-call mental health consultant, and subsidies for shluchim families’ personal therapy needs. At the heart of this Initiative are the three annual Kinusim (for shluchim, shluchos, and families), each with the goal of nurturing friendships and connections amongst the New Jersey shluchim family. 

One shliach summed up the day this way: “This is our third year of these kinusim, and I feel a palpable difference in our connections between shluchim. We’re only getting stronger and stronger.”

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