Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch: Raising a ‘Mentch’

For the past 13 years, Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch has been nurturing individuality, employing effective educational methods, and guiding students to become committed, happy Chassidim.

Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch (OYYL) is a school located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, that aims to provide an authentic Lubavitch education within an environment that fully embodies the values and principles of Chabad Chassidus, equipping students with spiritual, academic, and social tools for self-awareness, healthy relationships, and the realization of their potential.

For the past 13 years, OYYL has been nurturing individuality, employing effective educational methods, and guiding students to become committed, happy Chassidim.

The recent acquisition of a new building at 333 Albany Ave is a significant milestone for OYYL, enabling further growth and improved opportunities for students. The school is excited about the possibilities this expansion brings. 

OYYL caters to boys and girls aged 2 to 13, with separate classes and campuses. To accommodate more students, OYYL is opening four new preschool classrooms for the coming year, designed to foster an ideal learning environment through an open classroom setting and a multi-sensory curriculum.

Scholarships of up to $5,000-$7,500 are available through the Keren Yisroel Sabba Foundation and the Rose Biller Foundation, ensuring accessibility for eligible families. Families who register before June 1st are offered FREE door-to-door busing. Additionally, OYYL provides administrative support to assist families in obtaining government vouchers free of charge.

Enrollment for the year 5784 is now open. To contact or learn more about OYYL, visit the website at https://www.oyyl.org or call 646-450-4770. For full photo galleries visit https://www.oyyl.org/gallery/ 

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  1. I really appreciate the beautiful chinuch my child received in the school!! A big Yashar Koach to Rabbi Schneiderman and Mila and their tireless team for their dedication and passion, their attentiveness for each student, and their humbleness. May this mosad grow from strength to strength with the Rebbe’s brocha!!

  2. Feeling so blessed to be a part of OYYl and grateful for my children’s chassidishe Chinuch and high learning achievements! Yashar koyach to OYYL staff and family!

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