9th Unity Torah to Be Completed in Merit of Ukraine Jews

In the merit of all Jews of Ukraine, a campaign has been launched by Mivtza Sefer Torah Hakloly Le’Achdus Yisroel to complete the ninth Sefer Torah by Yud Aleph Nissan. All Ukrainian Jews can register for free.

As a zechus of all Jews of Ukraine, a campaign has been launched by Mivtza Sefer Torah Hakloly Le’Achdus Yisroel to complete the ninth Sefer Torah by Yud Aleph Nissan. All Ukrainian Jews can register for free.

More than a week has passed since the war began in Ukraine, and the bombings continue to reach the centers of major cities, where tens of thousands of Jews live, and the danger only grows for the country’s Jews. Thousands of shluchim will join together, with the goal of completing the writing of this Sefer Torah as soon as possible.

Shluchim from around the world are joining this campaign to register Jews for the Torah, in order to help all the Jews of Ukraine.

“The Rebbe stressed to us the importance of these Sifrei Torah, especially in times of war,” explained Rabbi Moshe Oirechman, director Mivtza Sefer Torah Hakloly Le’Achdus Yisroel.

You can register names of any of your acquaintances or Jews in Ukraine who you may know in order to be mezakeh them with this great zechus.

Even if you are already registered in an earlier sefer Torah hakloli, the Rebbe says there is added merit to have a letter in a new sefer Torah hakloli.

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