At least 99 individuals are unaccounted for in the condo building that collapsed early this morning in Surfside, Florida. A Lubavitcher couple and 32 other Yidden are reportedly among those missing.
At least 99 individuals are unaccounted for in the condo building that collapsed early this morning in Surfside, Florida. A Lubavitcher couple and 32 other Yidden are reportedly among those missing.
In a message sent out by email, Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus of Chabad Broward County requested the public to daven for relatives of his.
“Please say Tehillim for Tzvi Daniel ben Yehudis and Itta bas Miriam, who were in the building in Surfside that collapsed early in this morning and no one can reach them,” he wrote.
Tehillim is also requested for others who have yet to be found.
Chaim ben Sara
Malka bas Sara Rochel
Yisroel Tzvi Yosef ben Toiba
Tzvi Doniel ben Yehudis
Ita bas Miriam
Esther bas Linda
Moshe ben Toba
Moshe ben Shoshana
Arie Leib ben Ita
Lein ben ilana
Leible ben Feiga Rivka
Ruth bas Sarah
Chaim ben Sara
Chaya Gila bas Yehudis
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