770 Yeshiva Hires Two New Hanhala Members

To fill the need generated by the growing number of bochurim in the Central Tomchei Tmimim, the yeshiva’s administration hired two new staff members who will assist the bochurim in their studies.

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Mendy Kotyar/Anash.org

Two new hanhala members will be joining the ranks of the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim in 770 Eastern Parkway.

The yeshiva at 770 has hundreds of bochurim registered, alumni of Chabad yeshivos across the world who enroll in 770 after the conclusion of the “official” yeshiva system to study semicha or continue their studies until their marriage.

The yeshiva is also home to “kvutzah”, a group of bochurim who come annually from Eretz Yisroel to spend the year learning in 770.

With the natural growth of the Lubavitch community, the number of bochurim in the 770 yeshiva has been steadily growing as well. Seeing the need for more hanhala members, the administration decided to hire two more hanhala members who will serve as meshivim and assist the bochurim in their studies.

After extensive searches for individuals who could fill the growing need, the hanhala decided to hire Rabbi Mendel Polter and Rabbi Meir Berenshtein, both respected talmidei chachomim who have spent many years studying and teaching Torah.

The two new hanhala members will be joining Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Zalman Labkowski, Head Mashpia Rabbi Yoel Kahn, Mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Rabbi Avorohom Osdoba, Rabbi Yankel Goldberg, Rabbi Michoel Golomb, Rabbi Kuti Feldman, Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik, Rabbi Tzvi Krasnjansky, Rabbi Shmuel Avtzon, Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan, Rabbi Levi Klyne, Rabbi Gedalya Bluming and Rabbi Pinye Korf, each who serves a different position in the yeshiva.

“We wish Rabbi Polter and Rabbi Berenshtein much hatzlacha in their position, to strengthen the study of Torah in 770 yeshiva,” a member of the 770 hanhala told Anash.org. “They will especially be needed as the summer months come and many bochurim need some extra encouragement to continue their studies with the same fervor.”


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