770 Kinus Torah to be Held In Memory of R’ Mendel Drizin

A Kinus Torah will be held in the main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway on Thursday, the third day of Chol Hamoed. The Kinus will be dedicated to R’ Mendel Drizin, and marking his first yahrzeit.

A Kinus Torah will be taking place in the main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway on Thursday, 19 Nissan, the third day of Chol Hamoed.

The Kinus Torah will be taking place on the first yahrzeit of Crown Heights philanthropist R’ Mendel Drizin and will be dedicated in his memory.

Addressing the Kinus Torah will be members of the Crown Heights Beis Din as well as rabbonim and mashpi’im.

The Kinus Torah will take place following Ma’ariv on Thursday night, starting approximately 8:15 PM.

The Kinus Torah is also dedicated l’ilui nishmas R’ Eliyahu Tzion ben Chananya.

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