770 Bochurim Continue Learning As Any Other Day

Despite 770 being closed, American bochurim of the 770 Yeshiva held regular sedorim, davening and learning, in Unzer Shul near 770 and other local shuls, as if nothing had taken place.

Despite 770 being closed, American bochurim learning in the 770 yeshiva continued to learn in the nearby Shuls of Crown Heights.

Many of the bochurim gathered in Unzer Shul on Union Street, where the regular minyonim and sedorim were held.

The kol Torah did not stop with 770’s closing, just moved a few feet over…

Special thanks was given to the gabboim of Unzer Shul, who facilitated the temporary arrangement.

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  1. thank you for not harping on all the negativity going on now amongst our own. It is very hurtful and doesn’t help bring Moshiach. May Hashem heal everyone already. Enough is enough.

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