70 Girls Went on Mivtzoim Last Week with Project Ufaratzta

The new Project Ufaratzta will make mivtzoim for girls not be limited to a one-time event near Yom Tov or only on a random Friday, but will become a weekly staple, something you won’t even think of missing.

The Mivtzoim Shop at Lubavitch Youth Organization and Beis Rivkah Seminary is proud to introduce a brand new program: “Project Ufaratzta.” With Project Ufaratzta, mivtzoim for girls will not be limited to a one-time event near Yom Tov or only on a random Friday. Mivtzoim will become a weekly staple, something you won’t even think of missing.

Last Friday, for the introductory week of “Project Ufaratzta,” there were already 50 elementary students and 18 dedicated seminary madrichot who happily joined, giving out dozens of sets of neshek and over 100 Good Cards. 

One group of girls met a lady who was Jewish, but didn’t want Shabbos candles. They offered her a homemade challa, which she happily accepted, saying, “I love challa!”

The challa had a sticker on it which said, “Light candles before 5:50 this week for our brothers and sisters in Israel.”

The girls wished her a Good Shabbos and moved on. When they got to the end of the block, they heard the lady calling to them. “Girls! Girls!  I actually do want to take candles to light this week in honor of Israel.”

Jewish hearts are wide open now, and waiting for you to come provide them with Mitzvah opportunities. Next week, you can be telling your own story! Sign up today to join this program.

How it works:

  • ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Grades 4-8)

Ufaratzta groups will meet up at the tent in Beis Rivka (310 Crown Street) at 12:30 PM each Friday. You will be provided with snacks, Mivtzoim supplies, a route, and two dedicated chaperones to lead your group. Pickup is from the JCM Dreidel between 2-2:30 PM.


You can message “High School Ufaratzta” to +1 (702) 809-2732 if you would like to commit to a weekly street route or route of addresses on Thursdays or Fridays. Girls in Grades 11-12 can sign up to be a Madricha for a weekly group of younger girls.


Girls in seminary or older can sign up as a chaperone. Chaperones play an integral role in ensuring the success of this program, and come back loving mivtzoim more than ever before.

Deadline extended: SIGN UP BY THURSDAY, 11 CHESHVAN, 10 AM

LINK TO SIGN UP: https://forms.gle/UDUDenDqtFB3rxP47

Or message “Ufaratzta” to +1 (845) 393-1951

Can’t come but still want to participate? You can help cover the costs of food, transportation, neshek, prizes, and everything else involved.

Cashapp: $themivtzoimshop – https://cash.app/$themivtzoimshop 

Paypal: [email protected] – https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=YLA2LAHE64YBG 

Let’s conquer the world with light, and bring Moshiach now!


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