60 Toronto Bochurim Celebrate Siyum of Volume of Rebbe’s Torah

Over 60 bochurim in Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto celebrated a grand Chagigas Hasiyum celebrating the completion of a full sefer of the Rebbe’s Torah.

Over 60 bochurim in Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto celebrated a grand Chagigas Hasiyum celebrating the completion of a full sefer of the Rebbe’s Torah.

The siyum took place Friday in a hall not far from the yeshiva, and was celebrated with great excitement over the zechus to delve into the wealth of the Rebbe’s Torah.

A great emphasis was put on how heavily the Rebbe was involved in being magia his Torah for us to have, and the importance of learning it to enhance our hiskashrus. Following the siyum, a few bochurim approached one of the talmidim shluchim telling him about their takeaway from the siyum was a hachlata to finish the whole Likkutei Sichos, now realizing how feasible it is for him to do.

The siyum came after the completion of Likkutei Sichos Chelek Chof Vov, which the bochurim had finished after toiling for hours on end learning, with Shiur Alef learning and finishing Sefer Shemos Chelek Alef as well.

The bochurim studied each week the Sichos on the parsha of that week and filling in a weekly shailos lchazara. The study was done as part of a Mivtza made possible by the Talmidim Hashluchim L’eloi Nishmas דוד משה בן אפרים ע”ה.


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