60 Anash Test Successfully in Daily Gemara Program

Nearly 60 Anash from around the United States took the first test of Taanis, a part of the daily Gemara study program which began a new Masechta last month.

Nearly 60 Anash from around the United States took the first test on Gemara Taanis, a part of the daily Gemara study program which began a new Masechta last month.

The Toras Chaim program, a project of Merkoz Halacha, and directed by R’ Mendy Goldberg, offers a structured learning program, helping to keep the learning consistent.

The first test was attended by 60 men, with tests taken in two local locations, Yagdil Torah in Crown Heights and Bais Moshe in Kingston Pennsylvania. Others across the country also took the test in their respective locations.

Finding time for learning every day can be a challenge. With busy schedules and hectic lives, many who would like to make Torah part of their lives find it difficult to remain consistent.

The Toras Chaim program, a project of Merkoz Halacha, is tailored especially for those who have the desire to learn but need an extra push and motivation to keep them on track. Besides for the structure that the program gives, a monetary incentive of up to $150 per test is also offered.

The program was designed to make consistent learning easy and achievable. Learn 1 amud per day, 5 days per week, with Gemara Taanis being the current Masechta learned.

Any member of Anash in the United States can join the program, and take the tests.

The program is still open for new participants. Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/TorasChaimSign-up

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