550 Bochurim Pass First Halikut Test

An overwhelming 550 bochurim from across 20 American Yeshivas passed the first test given by the Halikut program, n which bochurim learn and memorize a full volume of Likkutei Sichos.

An overwhelming 550 bochurim from across 20 American Yeshivas passed the first Halikut test this Sunday.

Now in its third year, Halikut has raised the bar for Likkutei Sichos learning among thousands of Bochurim, through its intense learning regimen and scrutinizing tests.

After its first test on Cheilek Lamed this Sunday, the 500 bochurim that passed will take an additional two tests over the next months, enabling them to take part in the Halikut Siyum where they will be tested on the full sefer at once.

Below is the full list of all the bochurim who passed the test.

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