Five and a half decades after the Rebbe created a revolution in the Jewish world by launching Mivtza Tefillin, it has become so mainstream that the Pinsk-Karlin Rebbe personally helped a Yid don tefillin on a flight.
By reporter
No longer a novelty, mivtzoim is now part and parcel of the Jewish scene.
Perhaps the best proof of this was a scene that unfolded on a flight on Wednesday from Poland to Eretz Yisroel.
On the flight was the Pinsk-Karlin Rebbe, along with a group of his chassidim and chassidim of other groups. They were returning from a visit to Lizhensk, where they had traveled to daven at the kever of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk on his yahrzeit, 21 Adar.
During the flight, the Pinsk-Karlin Rebbe was made aware that there was a Yid on the flight who had not yet donned tefillin and was willing to do so. Without hesitation, he took out his own tefillin, removed one of the two yarmulkas he was wearing and put it on the Yid, and helped in don tefillin. He then recited Shema Yisroel with him.
The video quickly went viral both in Chabad circles and others, with many fascinated by the unique scene.
For Lubavitcher chassidim, it signified something deeper as well. 55 years ago, when the Rebbe first launched mivtza tefillin, it was seen as such a novelty that some mocked or spoke against it. Five and a half decades later, it is taken as a given…
the Pinsker Rebbe is very close to Chabad, I have seen him a few times by the Ohel
Amazing to see this.
Should inspire us chasidim of the rebbe to do mivtzah tefilin.