Over 500 members of Anash will be celebrating the completion of learning Likkutei Torah Bamidbar, as a part of a new initiative to fulfill the Rebbe’s request to finish Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah.
This Wednesday night, over 500 members of Anash are marking the completion of Likkutei Torah on Bamidbar, after learning a daf of Likkutei Torah per day as a part of a new initiative to fulfill the Rebbe’s request to finish Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah.
Project Likkutei Torah is a new grassroots initiative to learn one daf of Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah, the “Chassidishe Parsha,” each day, while learning an additional daf of Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim each Shabbos.
Following this study one will complete the entire Torah Or and Likkutei Torah in roughly one year!
“Before joining Project Likkutei Torah, the idea of being able to complete the entire opus was a nice idea that did not meet with my reality. Shabbos was a challenge to finish even a single maamar. This project simplifies it to a page a day, that’s it! Anyone can work that into their daily schedule.” says Yossi F., a NYC corporate executive.
The Rebbe suggested in Parshas Chayei Sara 5752 that Chassidim make a goal to complete the entire Torah Or & Likkutei Torah. It was additionally encouraged at many other instances in yechidus and farbrengens in earlier years.
This project is making this learning cycle more approachable and accessible by creating detailed daf overview shiurim and short daf summaries, shared via various podcasts and online videos, in addition to curating summaries and daf with nekudos from other sources clearly presented in an accessible cloud drive.
Rabbi Yakov Werde of Pamona, NY says “I have been learning and am deeply inspired by Torah HaChassidus for almost 50 years.
“A few months back, I committed to and joined Project Likkutei Torah and invested 30 minutes each early morning before shacharis to study the Daf. Having a fixed daily quota and being part of an international initiative motivates and guides my efforts. The mamarim provide so much to think about and contemplate before davening. I recommend this project to anyone with the skills and desire to enrich their lives and enrich their relationship with the Creator.”
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Project Likkutei Torah has a very impressive lineup up of prestigious maggidei shiurim including:
Rabbi Aryeh Citron, Surfside, FL
Rabbi Mendy Cohen, Sacramento, CA
Rabbi Baruch Epstein, Chicago, IL
Rabbi Yehuda Fenton, Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Choni Friedman, Pittsburgh, PA
Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling, Melbourne, Australia
Rabbi Shmuel Weinstein, Pittsburgh, PA
Rabbi Yirmi Caspi, Melbourne, Australia
The reason learning Torah Ohr & Likkutei Torah is so appealing is that the Rebbe refers to it as the Torah Shebaal Peh (Oral Torah) of Chassidus. Additionally, the Tzemach Tzedek says that he took the best of the Alter Rebbe’s maamarim for publication in Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah.
“I am blown away with the excitement and positive feedback about this project. The best part is that people that are not ready to learn a full daf per day can still be connected to the project by subscribing to our daf summary, davening takeaway, and guided hisbonenus podcasts,” says Yaakov Cahnman, Executive Director.
“Over the next year, PLT’s goal is to enhance our website as a one-stop-shop for everything Likkutei Torah, with classes and resources for every day, every mammer and every parsha,” says Rabbi Betzalel Bassman, who founded the project in memory of his mother, Feiga bas Betzalel Hakohen Bassman.
The best part of this project is that those that for whatever reason are not able to participate in the learning can dedicate a day, week, or month of learning and receive the zechusim of all the learning in their merit.
To get involved in this project contact Rabbi Yaakov Cahnman, at [email protected]
The initiative was launched by Rabbi Meyer and Shaindy Gutnick.
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