$50 Subsidy On Chayenu Subscriptions Ends Today

In honor of Hey Teves, an anonymous donor is making a generous offer by gifting a $50 subsidy for each new Chayenu subscription. This limited-time promotion will only be valid until the 10th of Teves.

Hei Teves is a time to celebrate the victory of the enduring power seforim. It is well known that the Rebbe established Hei Teves as an Eis Ratzon for investing ourselves in learning Torah with renewed energy. This Eis Ratzon spills over into the days following Hei Teves – yomim hasmochim (see Derher 14 teves-5774 03).

In honor of Hey Teves, an anonymous donor is making a generous offer by gifting a $50 subsidy for each new Chayenu subscription.

Chayenu contributes to the accessibility of a Bayis Molay Seforim by delivering a diverse array of Seforim to your door each week. It also gives you the unique ability to carry the richness of Beis Molay Seforim with you wherever you go! Chayenu has also been proven time and again to enhance the studying daily chitas and Rambam and makes it easier to do so more consistently.

The current subscription price is now $130 (normally $180). This limited-time promotion is exclusively available to new Chayenu subscribers in the United States and will only be valid until the 10th of Teves.

  • USA subscriptions only
  • New subscriptions only
  • Annual billing only
  • The offer is for Chayenu only, not Chayenu3

Chayenu, a versatile Torah publication, is accessible in both print and digital formats. Featuring daily study cycles in Hebrew and English, covering Chumash, Rambam, Tanya, and more, Chayenu has garnered a global readership of over 30,000 individuals across 35 countries.

This publication simplifies daily study routine by putting it all in one place. From its inception in 5769/2009, where 500 complimentary copies were distributed to Shuls nationwide, Chayenu has now evolved into a universal phenomenon.

Coupon code: HEITEVES use on Chayenu.org/subscribe.


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