5 Soldiers Killed on Friday in Gaza War

The IDF published the names of five soldiers who fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday, bringing the total of IDF soldiers killed in combat to 24.

The IDF released for publication on Friday the tragic deaths of another five IDF Soldiers killed fighting Hamas terrorists inside Gaza.

Staff Sergeant Itai Sa’adon HY”D, 21 years old, from the Galilee community of Har Halutz, was a tank commander in the 401st Armored Brigade’s 52nd Battalion

Captain Beni Wais HY”D, 22 years old, from Haifa, a platoon commander in the 195th Battalion, 460th Brigade, was killed in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Major (res.) Uriah Mash HY”D, 41 years old, from Telamon, an armored fighter in the 52nd Battalion, 401st Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

Major (res.) Yehonatan Yosef Brand HY”D, 28 years old, from Jerusalem, an armored fighter in the 52nd Battalion, 401st Brigade, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

Maj. Gen. Gil Pishitz HY”D, 39 years old, plowing, tank driver in the 9th Battalion, 401st Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

The total number of IDF soldiers killed since the start of the ground offensive into Gaza is 24. The total number of soldiers killed since October 7th is 339.

Hashem Yikom Damam.

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  1. Remember these beautiful faces. They died so that we can live. The ultimate sacrifice. May their families be comforted knowing that their sons will always be remembered for their tremendous sacrifice.

  2. My condolences for these soldiers familes. For those who lost their lives, Thank you for your sacrifice. We are truley grateful for the fallen soldiers for standing up for those who cannot. I am proud of your dedication and call to defend civility and democracy. God bless you.

  3. I don’t personally know the soldiers. One looks like my dad. They are all together and we will see them one day. May G-D smile upon them Diane Fisher Buffalo Grove Illinois

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