5 Don’t Miss Kinus Hashluchos Events

The Shluchim Office welcomes all the Shluchos coming to the Kinus Hashluchos. Below are 5 worthwhile events and services to make the most of your Kinus weekend.

The Shluchim Office welcomes all the Shluchos coming to the Kinus Hashluchos. Below are 5 worthwhile events and services to make the most of your Kinus weekend.

1.  Shluchos Farbrengen

Join Thursday night, 22 Shevat (February 1) at 9PM, after the Kinus Hashluchos sessions concludes for an inspiring Farbrengen featuring Mrs. Manya Lazaroff (College Station, TX), Mrs. Chanie Shmotkin (Manhattan, NY) and Mrs. Feige Slaviticki (Chicago, IL) at Lubavitch Yeshiva.

There will also be a Hebrew speaking Farbrengen that will run simultaneously with mother and daughter Mrs. Hinda Gerlitzky (Tel Aviv, Eretz Yisroel) and Mrs. Devora Leah Altein (Winnipeg, Canada) at the Shluchim Office.

The event will also include a special gift to each Shlucha, desserts, and raffle prizes.

2. Chabad Early Childhood Session for Preschool Directors

Chabad Early Childhood, the international network serving Chabad preschools on Shlichus, invites all Shluchos to a preschool empowerment session taking place on Sunday, 25 Shevat (February 4) at 1349 President Street (Rubashkin). 

The sessions will feature keynote speakers Mrs. Perl Stroh and Mrs. Chaya Shaprio as well as panelists Mrs. Nina Naparstek, Mrs. Esty Marcus, Mrs. Mushky Glitzenstein, Mrs. Shaindel Shapiro and Mrs. Dena Schusterman.

Shluchos can register at https://www.chabadearlychildhood.com/event-details/cec-at-the-kinus-hashluchos.

3. Shlichus Market Showroom – The One Stop Shop for your Chabad Center

Come visit the Shlichus Market showroom and experience many new products hands-on, including some amazing new Purim and Pesach products. The Shlichus Market has been serving Shluchim with all their Shlichus needs for over 30 years.

The showroom will be open for the entire week of Kinus at the Shluchim Office, 816 Eastern Parkway.

4. Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos

The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos offers Young Shluchos a 4-day weekend experience of inspiration and friendship. This year’s program hosts both in person and virtual tracks, enabling every child to join this unique experience no matter the circumstance.

After the optional Thursday program for the in person track, both sessions will begin on Friday morning for three packed days of Chassidishkeit, connection and fun. The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos will conclude with a grand banquet on Sunday night. For more information, visit YoungShluchim.org.

5. Annual Reunion for the Nigri International Shluchim Online School 

The annual Day of Celebration for the girls division will be held on Wednesday, 21 Shevat (January 31) at the Jewish Children’s Museum and will include a joint celebratory banquet with faculty, parents and students, and exciting activities with classmates and friends.

For your convenience: Shluchim Lounge

Get away from the hustle and bustle to work in our relaxing lounge, located on the second floor of the Shluchim Office.

The exclusive lounge for Shluchim just steps away from 770 is ready and waiting with workspaces complete with computers, phones and Wi-Fi Internet access.

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