41st Cycle of Rambam Concluded in 770

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

In keeping with the Rebbe’s request that a Siyum HaRambam is held in 770, hundreds of Anash and Bochurim gathered in the main Shul of 770 to celebrate the completion of another cycle of Rambam study.

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

In keeping with the Rebbe’s request that a Siyum HaRambam be held in 770, Hundreds of Anash and Bochurim gathered Thursday night in the main Shul of 770 to celebrate the completion of another cycle of Rambam study.

The Siyum on the 41st cycle of Rambam was made by Rabbi Yitzchok Mishulovin Rabbi Nachman Shapiro of Oholei Torah began the opening halachos of the study of the 42nd study cycle.

VIDEO: Chazan Avraham Williams sings at the Siyum Harambam:

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