4,000 Siyumim to be Held for 40th Siyum Harambam

This year marks the 40th Siyum HaRambam, which will be taking place on Gimmel Tammuz, and a new initiative aims to have 4,000+ families of Anash and Shluchim will be bringing the siyum home.

Have you ever marked the Siyum HaRambam in your own home with a personal celebration for your family and friends?

There is something powerful about joining a massive program with speakers, hundreds of attendees, and a fancy location, but there is something special and unique about creating this at home.

And in doing so, you won’t be alone!

This year marks the 40th Siyum HaRambam, which will be taking place on Gimmel Tammuz. 

As the international community of Chassidim, Shluchim and Anash the world over conclude the most extensive global learning of Sichos regarding Moshiach, the Dvar Malchus on the actual concluding perokim of Rambam, it is only appropriate that the Siyum itself be celebrated in an unprecedented manner.

Aside from the many Farbrengens, events, and programs that will be taking place worldwide on this auspicious day, 4,000+ families of Anash and Shluchim will be bringing it home! 

“The goal,” explains Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, “Is for each family to choose a time that is convenient for them and host an in-house Siyum and Farbrengen centered around the topic of Geulah. Our team is preparing a beautiful “Siyum-In-A-File,” which you will be receiving shortly before Gimmel Tammuz. In it, you will find a full set of resources to conduct a Siyum and Farbrengen, from A to Z, with your family. The resources are designed to involve kids and adults alike!”

The best part of it all is that by simply clicking this link (TutAltz.com/4000), you can sign up your family and add it to the ever-growing list and the “Siyum-In-A-File” will be in your inbox in time for Gimmel Tammuz.

You choose the time, menu and color scheme and together we will make the 40th Siyum HaRambam and complete Siyum on Golus!


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