3500 Bochurim Expected at “Hour with the Rebbe” on Yud Shvat

On Wednesday, Yud Shvat, thousands of bochurim are expected to gather at 770 Eastern Parkway for the annual “Hour of the Rebbe” program, which features a special presentation of sichos and nigunim of the Rebbe.

On Wednesday, Yud Shvat, thousands of bochurim are expected to gather at 770 Eastern Parkway for the annual “Hour of the Rebbe” program. The event, which takes place from 5:30 to 6:30 PM, features a special presentation of sichos and nigunim of the Rebbe.

This year, as we celebrate the Year of Hakhel, the program is expecting an even larger crowd than in previous years. With 70(!) Yeshivos expected to participate, the program will be the ultimate Hakhel experience with thousands of Bochurim gathering together to hear directly from the Melech.

“This year, as the Hour of the Rebbe program marks its 10th anniversary, it is expected to be an even more meaningful and inspiring event”, organizers say. “We are also greatly upgrading the program to accommodate the increased attendance”.

It is our fervent hope to celebrate Yud Shvat this year in the Beis Hamikdosh and hear directly from the Rebbe with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkenu immediately.

For more information on the hour with the Rebbe program or to confirm your Yeshivas spot please contact [email protected]


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  1. This is an amazing program in which the bochurim get to feel a shiver of what we had when we saw the rebbe in 770 it’s very important that everyone should come I was there and I had tears in my eyes to see bochurim that never saw the rebbe may we see the rebbe now!

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