30 Missing People Found Alive Near Gaza Border

Israeli security forces, located 30 missing persons, 16 Israeli citizens and 14 Thai citizens, all safe and sound, in Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha, near the Gazan border.


The national emergency command center manned by the IDF, Shin Bet, Israel Police, government officers, and National Cyber Directorate has located 30 missing people from Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha in southern Israel.

At 9:00 p.m. on Monday night, three days after Hamas infiltrated Israel, killing and kidnapping Israeli civilians, a notification was received in the command room regarding a group of missing civilians who were in distress.

Hotline staff verified the details of the event, and by pinpointing their location, succeeded in locating them. At 9:52p.m., tactical staff from the IDF arrived at the kibbutz and succeeded in evacuating the 30 individuals at the site.

The group is comprised of 16 Israelis and 14 foreign workers.

A senior IDF official in the Dan Region, Yossi Greiber, related: “Within the enormous darkness, last night we had a small sport of light. Thanks to citizens’ reports, location pinpointing, locating, and cooperation between the special Home Front staff, security forces, and the police, 30 people were found and saved from the inferno. There was great emotion in he command room when we received the report that they had been found together, alive and healthy, and were on their way to a safe place. This is the moment when you understand the enormity of our task.”

Israel Police’s commander for the Center for Families of Missing Persons, Boaz Bellet, added: “As we succeeded in locating these missing people and more, the Center will continue to work together with its partner bodies, 24 hours a day, in order to locate missing people. Israel Police reiterates its request thaat the public call the Center or the police station regarding any missing person for whom contact has not yet been made.”

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  1. My support is completely with the Jewish people. It seems that some support is beginning to weaken. This is sad. The Jewish front has no options other than complete destruction of Hamas. War is a terrible thing. I’ve fought in a war and understand how terrible it can be. Israel must survive. This is the only way to do so. I’m ashamed of our college campuses and the ignorance they have shown in this. Read your history! Read our history and stories of the Holocaust. Ignorance is no excuse

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