26 Babies Were Born Last Year. How Many This Year?

26 Chabad babies were born since Bonei Olam Chabad’s inaugural event. Which is why, this year, Bonei Olam Chabad is asking you to show up again — because when you do, you make miracles happen. 

Two years ago, when Bonei Olam Chabad hosted their inaugural event, the turnout was astounding. The hall was so packed that there wasn’t even standing space left — the crowd spilled into the lobby, where organizers set up last-minute screens for everyone to join. 

Every woman at the event was there for the same reason: to raise awareness for the one in six Lubavitch couples who struggle with infertility. 

“Just by showing up, baruch Hashem, the Crown Heights community made waves,” says Rabbi Schlomo Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam. More people learned about Bonei Olam’s vital work — and supported the cause. More couples realized there’s a resource — and reached out to utilize them. 

26 Chabad babies were born since the inaugural event. Which is why, this year, Bonei Olam Chabad is asking you to show up again — because when you do, you make miracles happen. 

This Monday, Ches Shvat, January 10, Bonei Olam Chabad is hosting their second Show Up event at Oholei Torah. And once again, they’re asking you to show up. 

Rivky Brikman, shlucha to  Seagate, will emcee the event, which will feature a keynote from Rabbi Bochner, the founder of Bonei Olam.  Leah Brook and Ettel Hurwitz will each share their personal stories with infertility.  Brielle Dahan and Chava’le Bronstein will give a musical performance, accompanied by award-winning pianist Chaya Mushka Goldstein

In addition, the event will feature a smorgasbord of desserts and delicacies from over 20 Crown Heights vendors as well as an action with $15,000 in sponsored prizes.

“We have more than 70 vendors sponsoring parts of this event,” shares event coordinator Sara Varon. “When we reached out for support, not one person told us no. It’s humbling to see how the Crown Heights community is already showing up. And not just Crown Heights. So many out of towners reached out that they won’t be there in person, but they still want to show up. That’s why we put the auction online.” 

The online auction has an early-bird option, with ticket packages that will not be available at the live event. Organizers encourage everyone to purchase tickets online to take advantage of the discounted tickets. 

“There is no entrance fee and this is not a fundraising event,” says Esther Malka Kleinman, Bonei Olam Chabad counselor. “All we’re asking is for people to show up and show support for the many couples in our community. Just by doing that alone, we break the silence, lessen the stigma, and make a huge difference.” 

There is one prize which will remain exclusive to those who Show Up to the event on Monday-  a $4,000 lace top Yaffie Sheital by Salon Leah.  

This Monday, 8 PM at Oholei Torah, please show up for our community. 

Looking forward to seeing you there,

The Bonei Olam Chabad committee 

Rivki Diamont, Chumi Feldman, Frumie Goodman, Dina Hecht,  Etel Hurwitz, Rochie Junik, Briendy Katz, Esther Kleinman, Leah Loksen, Frumie Putter, Chanie Shalmoni & Sara Varon

In person: Monday, Ches Shvat, 8 PM at Oholei Torah 

Online Auction: Razye.it/showup 

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