Rabbinical Guests on ‘Mothers of Children in Shidduchim’ Podcast

On the newest episode of Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Podcast you will hear from two esteemed Rabbonim – Rabbi Shusterman and Rabbi Garelik, as they discuss halachic nuances in the dating and engagement process. 

Mikvah.org continues the Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Podcast Series this Thursday with Episode Three!

You will hear from two esteemed Rabbonim – Rabbi Shusterman of Beverly Hills, California, and Rabbi Garelik of Crown Heights – as they discuss halachic nuances in the dating and engagement process. 

Listen at mikvah.org/audio or wherever you access your podcasts!
See below flyer for more details.

*Please note, the episodes are all pre-recorded and will be available for listening the morning of the date shown.*

The Chodesh Elul Meet our Kallah Teachers Hakhel Series episode is out now and available for listening. 
Click here to listen now!

Missed any of the previous episodes of the Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Podcast Series? Click here to listen now!

See below flyer for the full schedule.

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