17th Kinus Hatmimim Features 7 Mashpi’im

Bochurim from across North America gathered on Thursday night in Rosa Hall in Beis Rivkah for the 17th annual Kinus Hatmimim which featured a unique program focusing on the Rebbe’s first farbrengen in 5711.

Photos: Meir Donel/Anash.org

Bochurim from across North America gathered on Thursday night in Rosa Hall in Beis Rivkah for the 17th annual Kinus Hatmimim which featured a unique program focusing on the Rebbe’s first farbrengen in 5711.

The program went through the 70-year-old Farbrengen – Yud Shevat 5711. Following each of the farbrengen’s 7 sichos, one of 7 different Mashpiim spoke about on the Sicha shown and its relevant to each bochur.

The speaker were Rabbi Yosef Gurevitz of Mesivta Chicago – Sicha 1, Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan of Oholei Torah Zal – Sicha 2, Rabbi Mendel Schapiro of Yeshiva Los Angeles – Sicha 3, Rabbi Mendel Gordon of Yeshiva London – Sicha 4, Rabbi Yosef Klyne of Yeshiva Baltimore – Sicha 5a, Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Feldman of Yeshiva Cholon – Sicha 5b, Rabbi Moshe Wolberg of Yeshiva Manchester – Sicha 6.


VIDEO: Full Replay

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